How to apply

List of documents required for admission to BMSTU

  1. Application form (attached with letter);
  2. Medical certificate issued by the official health authority of the applicant’s country, confirming the absence of disorders incompatible with studies at university;
  3. Medical certificate confirming the absence of HIV/AIDS, issued by the official health authority of the applicant’s country;
  4. Education certificate (with certified translation into Russian) with the list of disciplines and results of tests and exams;
  5. 6 photos (3×4 cm, color, mat);
  6. Passport with information necessary for invitation (please, note, that your passport should be valid at least 18 months after the date of your entry student visa);
  7. Visa to Russia.

All documents must be translated into Russian and notarized.

About educational document:

  • You should make a legalization of your education document.
  • Please, make sure that the documents will be recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation, for this you have to contact the Embassy of the Russian Federation on the territory of the country of residence.